Textured Heads
With the SkullTexture
class you can get textured heads from base64, url, texture ID, player name or UUID.
The texture values are cached with 3 hours expiration after last access.
If you get some textured head using player name or UUID the texture value will be obtained asynchronously if it's not cached, so "LOADING" texture value will be obtained in that case.
Get the following texture as ItemStack
head using all the different methods.
- Base64
- Texture ID
- Name
String texture = "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmVkZmEyZTBmZGVhMGMwNDIzODA0Y2RiNWI2MmFkMDVhNmU5MTRjMDQ2YzRhM2I3ZTM1NWJmODEyNjkxMjVmZCJ9fQ==";
// Simple get, the texture value will be used
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture);
String texture = "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/fedfa2e0fdea0c0423804cdb5b62ad05a6e914c046c4a3b7e355bf81269125fd";
// Simple get, the texture value will be used
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture);
String texture = "fedfa2e0fdea0c0423804cdb5b62ad05a6e914c046c4a3b7e355bf81269125fd";
// Simple get, the texture value will be used
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture);
String texture = "Rubenicos";
// Simple get, the texture may be retrieved on async operation
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture);
// Consume retrieved head when it's ready to use
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture, item -> {
// do something
String texture = "7ca003dc-175f-4f1f-b490-5651045311ad";
// Simple get, the texture may be retrieved on async operation
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture);
// Consume retrieved head when it's ready to use
ItemStack head = SkullTexture.getTexturedHead(texture, item -> {
// do something