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Custom Objects

With Rtag you can set custom objects into NBT tags and get has the required type, depends on your needs there are different options to (de)serialize objects.

Gson serializer

By using the Gson library inside Bukkit code, it's possible to convert objets following the next process:

Serializer (set): Custom Object -> Json String -> Map -> NBTTagCompound

Deserializer (get): NBTTagCompound -> Map -> Json String -> Custom Object

// Create your custom object
MyObject myObj = ...;

// --- Using Rtag instance
Rtag rtag = ...;
Object compount = ...;
// Set to "my -> object -> path"
rtag.set(compound, myObj, "my", "object", "path");
// Get from "my <- object <- path"
MyObject sameObj = rtag.getOptional(compount, "my", "object", "path").as(MyObject.class);

// --- Using RtagEditor instance
RtagEditor tag = ...;
// Set to "my -> object -> path"
tag.set(myObj, "my", "object", "path");
// Get from "my <- object <- path"
MyObject sameObj = tag.getOptional("my", "object", "path").as(MyObject.class);

Rtag registry

Rtag by default only has support for normal Java objects (String, Integer, List... etc), if you want to set and get custom objects you can register a (de)serializer into Rtag instance.

RtagSerializer: Instance to convert a custom object into Map.

RtagDeserializer: Instance to convert a Map into a custom object.


This conversion put an additional key into your saved tag to detect it using the provided ID.


Suppose you have a custom object named CustomData to save additional data in your items:

package my.plugin;

public class CustomData {

private final String type;
private int level;
private boolean broken;

public CustomData(String type, int level, boolean broken) {
this.type = type;
this.level = level;
this.broken = broken;

public String getType() {
return type;

public int getLevel() {
return level;

public boolean isBroken() {
return broken;

public void setLevel(int level) {
this.level = level;

public void setBroken(boolean broken) {
this.broken = broken;

public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object instanceof CustomData) {
CustomData data = (CustomData) object;
return data.getType().equals(type) && data.getLevel == level && data.isBroken == broken;
return false;

So you need to create a (de)serializer for it:

package my.plugin;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class CustomDataConversion implements RtagSerializer<CustomData>, RtagDeserializer<CustomData> {

// ID used when the object will be converted into Map.
// CustomData -> Map
public String getInID() {
return "myplugin:CustomData";

// ID used when an Map will be converted into the object.
// Map -> CustomData
public String getOutID() {
return "myplugin:CustomData";

// Convert the CustomData into Map
public Map<String, Object> serialize(CustomData data) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap();
map.put("type", data.getType());
map.put("level", data.getLevel());
// Boolean value must be saved as byte
map.put("broken", data.isBroken() ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0);
return map;

// Convert the Map into CustomData
public CustomData deserialize(Map<String, Object> map) {
String type = (String) map.get("type");
Integer level = (Integer) map.get("level");
Byte broken = (Byte) map.get("broken");

if (type == null || level == null || broken == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new CustomData(type, level, broken == (byte) 1);

It's suggested to use an ID with the format <plugin>:<object> to avoid incompatibility issues with other plugins

Then you need to register the (de)serializer into used Rtag instance:

Rtag rtag = ...;
CustomDataConversion serializer = new CustomDataConversion();

rtag.putSerializer(CustomData.class, serializer);

Now when you use the Rtag instance with registered CustomDataConversion, you can set and get the CustomData with simple methods.

In this example will be used an RtagItem with Rtag that have the CustomDataConversion:

private final Rtag rtag = initRtag();

private Rtag initRtag() {
Rtag rtag = new Rtag();
CustomDataConversion serializer = new CustomDataConversion();
rtag.putSerializer(CustomData.class, serializer);
return rtag;

public void example(ItemStack item) {
RtagItem tag = new RtagItem(rtag, item);

// -- Save custom data into ItemStack

// Data for the item
CustomData data = new CustomData("EPIC", 30, false);
// Save at path "custom -> data"
tag.set(data, "custom", "data");

// The changes will be loaded into original item

// -- Get custom data from ItemStack

// Get data from "custom" -> "data" without explicit conversion
CustomData itemData = tag.get("custom", "data");
// Check if it equals