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Chat Component

The ChatComponent class contains multiple utility methods to handle chat-related things.


With ChatComponent class you can convert (json) strings into chat components and viceversa.

// To component
Object component = ChatComponent.fromJson("{\"bold\":true,\"italic\":false,\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"text\":\"Colored text!\"}");
Object sameComponent = ChatComponent.fromString("§5§lColored text!");

// From component
String json = ChatComponent.toJson(component);
String string = ChatComponent.toString(component);

// Cross-compatibility
String json = ChatComponent.toJson("§5§lColored text!");
String string = ChatComponent.toString("{\"bold\":true,\"italic\":false,\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"text\":\"Colored text!\"}");

Pretty nbt formatter

Format any nbt object into single or multiple lines separated by \n with a color palette:

  • NBT_PALETTE - The default color palette like Minecraft /data command ([ "§f", "§b", "§a", "§6", "§c" ]).
  • NBT_PALETTE_HEX - Modified color palette for Bukkit 1.16 or upper using hex color format like §#RRGGBB.
  • NBT_PALETTE_BUNGEE - Modified color palette for Bukkit 1.16 or upper using bungee hex color format like §x§R§R§G§G§B§B.
  • NBT_PALETTE_MINIMESSAGE - Default color palette using Adventure MiniMessage format.

Example with default color palette:

Pretty NBT


You can make your own color palette by providing a 5-length String[] with color in the order of:

  1. Base color.
  2. Key color (compound keys).
  3. Strings.
  4. Numbers.
  5. Number suffix.

Example with custom color palette:

Pretty NBT with palette

Single line

To format into single line just use null for second argument.

Object nbt = ...;

// Pretty format into chat component, json component, colored string
Object component = ChatComponent.toPrettyComponent(nbt, null);
String json = ChatComponent.toPrettyJson(nbt, null);
String colored = ChatComponent.toPrettyString(nbt, null);

// Using color palette (example with colored string)
String colored = ChatComponent.toPrettyString(nbt, null, ChatComponent.NBT_PALETTE_BUNGEE);

Multiple lines

To format into multiple lines just provide a String to use as indent, for example " " for 2 spaces indent.

Object nbt = ...;

// Pretty format into chat component, json component, colored string
Object component = ChatComponent.toPrettyComponent(nbt, " ");
String json = ChatComponent.toPrettyJson(nbt, " ");
String colored = ChatComponent.toPrettyString(nbt, " ");

// Using color palette (example with colored string)
String colored = ChatComponent.toPrettyString(nbt, " ", ChatComponent.NBT_PALETTE_BUNGEE);