The UClanSync configuration is divided into parts:
This is the most important part of configuration, it's suggested to edit it when you start UClanSync.
# Current server configuration
# Each server must have the SAME NAME has proxy configuration to make
# clan homes work properly across servers
Name: 'MySurvival1'
This configuration part allows you to edit the general options of the addon.
# Addon configuration
# Logging level to see messages in console, set 0 to disable all logs
# 1 = errors
# 2 = errors, warnings
# 3 = errors, warnings, info
# 4 = errors, warnings, info, debug information
LogLevel: 3
# Clan updater configuration
# Delay in ticks to process a clan update (To avoid multiple updates at the same time)
# 20 ticks = 1 second
Update-Delay: 40
# Time in ticks to save an teleport request
# 20 ticks = 1 second
Teleport-Cache: 200
# Time in ticks to tell other servers the players that are connected on current server
# 20 ticks = 1 seconds
Player-Update: 80
# Addon feature list to enable or disable
# Clan homes sync
Homes: true
# Clan chat sync
Chat: true
This configuration part allows you to edit the UClanSync messenger.
# Messenger configuration
# Messaging channel, servers who you want to synchronize clan changes
# must have the same channel ID
Channel: 'survival:uclansync'
# Available messenger types:
# - PROXY = Don't require any type of installation, but your servers
# must be in the same proxy (Bungee or Velocity).
# - PLUGIN = Same has PROXY but require to put UClanSync plugin in
# your proxy instance (And is faster than PROXY type).
# - REDIS = Use a Redis server for messaging (Configure it below).
# - RABBITMQ = Use a RabbitMQ server for messaging (Configure it below).
Type: 'PROXY'
# Redis configuration
# Redis url connection
# URL: redis://[user]:[password@]host[:port][/databaseNumber]
url: 'redis://:password@localhost:6379/0'
# RabbitMQ configuration
exchange: 'uclansync'
# RabbitMQ url connection
# Documentation:
# URL: amqp://userName:password@hostName:portNumber/virtualHost
# If the virtual host is "/", set has "%2F"
url: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2F'