Custom mobs
Let's talk about real examples with entities and custom NBT.
Simple data
Make simple entities with NBT data.
Custom effects
Here an example to give glowing effect and levitation to entities using Rtag.
Entity entity = ...;
RtagEntity.edit(entity, tag -> {
// Make it glow
tag.set(true, "Glowing");
// In case the entity its a mob or player it can receive potion effects
// Note: This example only apply for Minecraft 1.20.2 or higher,
// so it's suggested to use Bukkit API to add potion effects
// (Or check MC wiki to see old tags and make your own method)
Map<String, Object> effect = Map.of(
"ambient", false,
"amplifier", false,
"duration", 200, // 10 seconds = 200 ticks
"id", "minecraft:levitation",
"show_icon", false,
"show_particles", true,
tag.add(effect, "active_effects");
Let's make a custom zombie that can pick up loot and deal more damage than zombies in Minecraft vanilla.
Zombie zombie = ...;
RtagEntity.edit(zombie, tag -> {
// Make pickup loot
tag.set(true, "CanPickUpLoot");
// Make zombie deal 3.5 hearts of damage
tag.setAttributeBase("generic.attackDamage", 3.5d);