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Tag Objects

Here some utility classes to handle NBT objects using simple methods.


It's tha main class to handle any type of NBT object.


With TagBase class you can create NBT objects with any type of (normal java) object, by default it only provide support to compatible objects, Boolean saved as Byte and UUID saved as String.

// Not compatible with Map or List
Object nbtObject = TagBase.newTag("Hello");

// Compatible with Map, List, and any deserializable object using Gson
RtagMirror mirror = ...;
Object nbtObject = TagBase.newTag(mirror, Map.of("greeting", "Hello"));

// Copy nbt object
Object nbtCopy = TagBase.clone(nbtObject);

Get values

The TagBase class provide different methods to get the java object value from any NBT object, Boolean is get as Byte and UUID is get as String or int[].

// NBT object
Object nbtObject = ...;

// Get type ID
byte type = TagBase.getTypeId(nbtObject);

// Get value inside NBT, not compatible with Map or List
Object value = TagBase.getValue(nbtObject);

// Get value inside NBT, compatible with Map or List
// but it only provide conversion to serializable objects
// if the RtagMirror instance allows it.
RtagMirror mirror = ...;
Object value = TagBase.getValue(mirror, nbtObject);


It's a more specific class to handle NBTTagList objects as java List<NBTBase>, so it has the same methods mentioned on TagBase but only for NBT lists.

// Create NBTTagList object
Object nbtList = TagList.newTag();

// Add value
TagList.add(nbtList, TagBase.newTag("Hello"));

// Get size
int size = TagList.size(nbtList);

// Get from index
Object nbtObject = TagList.get(nbtList, 0); // index: 0

// Get the value inside NBTTagList, a List of NBTBase
List<Object> value = TagList.getValue(nbtList);

// Clear list


It's a more specific class to handle NBTTagCompound objects as java Map<String, NBTBase>, so it has the same methods mentioned on TagBase but only for NBT compounds.

// Create NBTTagCompound object
Object nbtCompound = TagCompound.newTag();
// Or create NBTTagCompound using SNBT (it's also compatible with Json)
Object nbtCompound = TagCompound.newTag("{greeting:\"Hello\",someValue:123}");

// Add value
TagCompound.set(nbtCompound, "greeting", TagBase.newTag("Hello"));

// Get size
int size = TagCompound.getValue(nbtCompound).size();

// Get from key
Object nbtObject = TagCompound.get(nbtCompound, "greeting");

// Get the value inside NBTTagCompound, a Map of NBTBase
Map<String, Object> value = TagCompound.getValue(nbtCompound);

// Get the NBTTagCompound as Json String
String json = TagCompound.getJson(nbtCompound);

// Clear compound