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Colored text

Unlike other modern plugins (popularly using Adventure MiniMessage format), PixelBuy uses a more common system for colored texts with also new coloring features.

Color arguments: Every argument rounded by <> is required, and [] is optional.

Basic usage

Format: &<color code>

Using the common color codes from minecraft, for example &a or &c.


Format: &#<hex>

A modern color formatting for +1.16 servers that support hex colors, for example &#B508E3.

Special colors

Special color types only available for +1.16 servers.


Format: &$rainbow[:<saturation>[:<brightness>]][:looping][#<speed>]$

  • rainbow can also be written as r or lgbt.
  • [:<saturation>] is a float value, by default it's 1.0 and must be written with : first, for example :1.3.
  • [:<brightness>] is a float value, by default it's 1.0 and must be written after saturation parameter with : first, for example :0.7.
  • [:looping] can also be written as loop or l and must be written after saturation or brightness parameter with : first, for example :looping.
  • [#<speed>] is a number to calculate the update speed of current colored text and is written at the end, for example #30.


  • &$rainbow$This a rainbow colored text!
  • &$rainbow:looping#20$This a rainbow colored text that support updates!
  • &$rainbow:1.2:1.5$This a rainbow colored text with a different saturation and brightness!


Format: &$gradient:<hex...>[:looping][#<speed>]$

  • gradient can also be written as g.
  • <hex...> is a list of HEX values separated by : to generate a multi-colored gradient, for example 12E308:E30808.
  • [:looping] can also be written as loop or l and must be written after latest hex value parameter with : first, for example :looping.
  • [#<speed>] is a number to calculate the update speed of current colored text and is written at the end, for example #20.


  • &$gradient:12E308:E30808$This a gradient colored text!
  • &$gradient:12E308:E30808#20$This a gradient colored text that support updates!

Stop coloring

Format: &$stop$

This placeholder is used to mark a stop for any special text colorizing.


  • &$rainbow$This a rainbow colored text!&$stop$And this text is also normal
  • &$gradient:12E308:E30808$This a gradient colored text!&$stop$And this text is also normal

All the special coloring types can be stopped with any color format.