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PixelBuy currently supports SQL database type.


Load all

Load or not all user information from database into memory, the information will include:

  • Player name
  • Player unique id
  • Donated amount

This option also makes available the top donors option.


Is the top donors configuration.


Limit by number the amount of available entries for top donors, or set to -1 to calculate a top position for every user.


Time in ticks between top calculations.

A lower number may cause lag in most servers, set -1 to disable.


Is the SQL database type configuration, only edit this parameters if you set SQL as database type.

The SQL database type also have support for different sql instances:

H2LocalThe recommended database instance for any local data save.
SQLITELocalIs a more slow database type for local instances.
MYSQLExternalMost common database type on Minecraft server plugins.
MARIADBExternalSimilar to MySQL but faster.
POSTGRESQLExternalThe recommended database instance for any external data save.

If the selected database is a local type you can ignore the rest of the configuration.